Community Employment Services
Community Employment Services provides various services to develop pre-employment transition plans, discover vocational themes, develop vocational plans, and obtain and maintain community-based employment in competitive, integrated settings for individuals with disabilities.
Vocational Discovery: Assessments, job shadows, work experiences, informational interviews, job readiness training, supported employment, on-the-job supports, and vocational guidance and planning for adults with disabilities. This service is tailored to each individual and generates an employment plan.
Employment Services Milestones Services: Job development and placement, short term retention, supported employment, on-the-job supports, and retention supports for adults with disabilities. With this service, we look for and support a job while following the employment plan.
Supported Employment: On-going job supports both on and off-site. This service allows participants to find their maximum level of independence and achieve stabilization on the job. This service can be utilized for up to 24 months post-placement.
Extended Services and Supported Employment Follow Along: Job coaching is available after a Vocational Rehabilitation cases is successfully closed: Extended Services (EXTS) is available to those on BDDS Medicaid Waiver that need on-going support to maintain their community placements, job coaching. Supported Employment Follow Along (SEFA): Available to those on a waiting list for Medicaid Waiver that need on-going support, job coaching. Other job coaching supports are provided to individuals via private-pay or is contracted via the individual’s residential provider.
Pre-Employment Transition Services: Pre-Employment Transition Services is for individuals with Individualized Education Plans or 504 Plans who are enrolled in school and between the ages of 14 to 22. Programming is funded through Vocational Rehabilitation Services, can be provided in a group or individual setting, and includes: job exploration and counseling, work-based learning, workplace readiness, instruction in self-advocacy, and post-secondary counseling and enrollment.