Adult Daily Living Skills
Adult Daily Living Skills (otherwise known as Community Integration Services) provide a meaningful variety of experiences and training opportunities for participants to maximize independence in the following areas: community, home/life, recreation, pre-vocational training, functional academics, and self-management. Based on the identified needs and preferences of the individuals, several different service options are available through our Community Integration Services Department. Programming is available on a full-time or part-time basis to develop, maintain, and utilize a wide variety of functional skills. Training is provided in a small group format or on an individual basis and may be facility and/or community-based.
Adult Daily Living Skills Classes
Adult Daily Living Skills classes provided facility or community-based instruction to participants in the workshop or at home who have requested further training in education or daily living skills. Living Skills Instructors will prepare activities, teaching aids, and implement lesson plans appropriate to individual needs and preferences of participants as outlined in their Individual Support Plan. Instructors use resource materials, training tools, supplies, equipment, and activities that are culturally normative and age-appropriate. Community activities are scheduled to enhance socialization, community connections, and friendships. Expected outcomes are individualized for each participant.
Living Skills Day Program
The Living Skills Day Program provides facility or community-based training in daily living skills to participants who are not able or interested in prevocational training. The Day Program provides many of the same services goals and activities as the Adult Daily Living Skills Classes. Training is provided in a small group format or on an individual basis and may be full-time or part-time. Settings for the program include classroom, simulated apartment, industry area, and a variety of community locations.
OBRA offers specialized services available to those individuals that reside in a nursing facility with a long term care designation. These services must be provided outside of the nursing facility and support learning and assistance in the areas of: self-care, sensory/motor development, socialization, daily living skills, communication, community living, and social skills. Community-based activities are intended to build relationships and natural supports.
The Lif-T, or Life Transitions Program provides functional transferable programming and establishes supports and services necessary to facilitate an individual’s successful movement through a major life transition. Those eligible to receive services through the Lif-T Program must fall into one of the following categories: transitioning from school to work or post-school programming, transitioning from work to retirement, learning to cope with a new diagnosis or progressive illness, inability to transition to tolerating full 8-hour workday or those who are new to pre-vocational programming. This program is currently offered in Shelby County.
Older adults with Intellectual Disabilities have many of the same age-related concerns as other older adults. However, many program participants prefer to continue some sort of vocational or day programming activities as they age. Providing them with the MASTERS Program gives them an alternative to retiring. The MASTERS Program offers support that enables participants to maintain functioning and continue active day programming as long as they are interested and able. The program was implemented to address the needs of not only the aging Intellectual Disabilities population but also those who are unable to tolerate an 8-hour workday. By breaking the day down into smaller, more manageable activities, instructors are able to keep participant’s focus on the task at hand. This program is currently offered to Hancock County group home residents.
For more information about our Living Skills Program, contact Shares, Inc. to speak to Allison Isley (877) 398-8218 ext. 311.